Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Na temelju analize postojeće situacije, pregleda relevantnih trendova na tržištu te benchmarkanalize izrađene su: strategija razvoja turizma, marketinška strategije te odrednice upravljanja razvojem turizma. Područja grada Nina zanimljivo je zbog brojnih turističkih resursa i atrakcija. Prvo, krasi ga vogata kulturna i povijesna baština, brojni sačuvani spomenici kulture. Drugo, okružuje ga izuzetno zanimljivo, specifično i pomalo neobično prirodno okruženje. Naime, Nin se nalazi u pješčanoj... More laguni tako da destinacija obiluje pješčanim plažama s plitkim morem. U okviru studije provedeno je i istraživanje o brendu grada među lokalnim stanovništvom. Pokazalo je da Nin žitelji doživljavaju kao 'idealnom destinacijom za odmor s obitleji', kao 'grad soli', 'grad u pješčanoj laguni'. Zadnjih 10 godina puno je uloženo u brojne infrastrukturne projekte. U narednom razdobolju intenzivirati će se projekti koji će stvarati inovativne proizvode te zasnovani na posebitostima ovoga grada. Less
Description (english)
Based on an analysis of the current situation, a current situation, a review of relevant marketing trends and benchmark analysis Strategy for tourism development of Nin is performed. Nin is interesting tourist destination for several reasons. First, it is characterized by rich cultural and historical heritage, proved by numerous preserved monuments as well as intangible heritage. Secondly, surrounded by very interesting, specific and somewhat unusual natural environment in which to... More emphasize the long, sandy beaches which are rare on the Adriatic coast. Finally, a competitive advantage Nin can build on, widely known, Nin salt factory which testifies to the culture of life and work in this area. As a contribution to the study, research was carried out within the local community on the topic of brand. Research has shown that local population find that Nin is 'ideal destination for families with children "," salt city "," city in the sandy lagoon', 'blend of culture and unusual nature' and 'the city where one learns to Croatian history’. During the last ten years a lot of effort are invested in numerous infrastructure projects that raise the quality of life of its residents and the quality of the tourist experiences. In the coming period projects will be intensified aiming to create an innovative tourist products that will additionally highlight uniqueness of Nin. Less