Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Westgate Shopping City je najveći trgovački centar do sada izgrađen u Republici Hrvatskoj. Zbog postojećih prometnih potreba i potreba daljnjeg razvitka, ovom studijom je provjerena mogućnosti kvalitetnijeg povezivanja Centra izravno na autocestu A-2 Zagreb-Macelj. U tu svrhu analizirana je postojeća prostorna i projektna dokumentacija kao i postojeće stanje izgrađenosti i odvijanja prometa u užoj i široj zoni obuhvata. Dat je pregled i novih, potencijalnih sadržaja i objekata koji će se graditi na neizgrađenim parcelama u zoni Centra. Za analizu postojećeg prometa koji gravitira prema Centru i odlaznog prometa iz trgovačkog centra analizirani su prometni tokovi u užoj i široj zoni obuhvata. U Studiji je predložen tip deniveliranog čvora na A-2 koji bi optimalno zadovoljio potrebe budućeg razvitka. Čvor je preporučen nakon analize funkcije čvora te njegovog prometnog i prostornog položaja (s obzirom na okolna naselja), odnosno njegovog utjecaja na ostalu infrastrukturu i postojeće infrastrukturne objekte (autocestu, naplatnu postaju, državne i županijske ceste i sl.). Napravljena je provjera propusne moći čvora i provjeren je utjecaj reda čekanja na naplatnim postajama.
Description (english)
Westgate Shopping City is the largest shopping center built in the Republic of Croatia so far. Due to the existing traffic needs and the needs of further development, this study examined the possibilities of better connection of the Center directly to the A-2 Zagreb-Macelj motorway. For this purpose, the existing spatial and project documentation was analyzed, as well as the existing state of construction and traffic in the narrower and wider coverage area. An overview of new, potential contents and facilities that will be built on undeveloped plots in the Center zone is also given. For the analysis of the existing traffic gravitating towards the Center and the outgoing traffic from the shopping center, the traffic flows in the narrower and wider coverage area were analyzed. The study proposed a type of two-level junction on the A-2 that would optimally meet the needs of future development. The type of junction is recommended after the analysis of its function and traffic and spatial position (with regard to the surrounding settlements), ie its impact on other existing infrastructure facilities (motorway, toll station, state and county roads, etc.). A junction capacity check was performed and the impact of the queue on toll stations was checked.