Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Procjena izvodljivosti za održivo upravljanje turizmom u Crnoj Gori sastoji se od tri osnovna dijela. U prvom dijelu se nakon uvodnih razmatranja obrazlaže pristup izradi dokumenta i navode ciljevi procjene izvodljivosti, a objašnjava se i koncept održivog upravljanja turizmom prema metodologija PAP-RAC-a te polazne osnove za održivo upravljanje turizmomu obalnom području crne gore. Drugi dio fokusiran je na glavne ograničavajuće faktore budućeg razvoja turizma u Crnogorskom primorju, koji uključuje osnovne značajke aktualnih promjena, probleme vezane uz porast turističkog prometa, izgrađenost i povećanje pritiska na plaže te problematiku prometne i komunalne infrastrukture. Treći dio nakon procjene aktualnog stanja prihvatnog kapaciteta crnogorskog obalnog područja i ukazivanja na promjene u svjetskom turizmu pod utjecajem pandemije koronavirusa pruža opće preporuke za budući razvoj turizma u skladu s novim okolnostima za Crnogorsko primorje u cjelini i po pojedinim općinama s posebnim osvrtom na režim kretanja kruzera u kotorsko-risanskom zaljevu.
Description (english)
The feasibility assessment for sustainable tourism development in Montenegro consists of three parts. The first part includes introductory considerations, the approach to drafting the document, the objectives of the feasibility assessment, the concept of sustainable tourism management according to PAP-RAC methodologies and the starting point for sustainable tourism management in the Montenegrin coastal area. The second part focuses on the main limiting factors for the future development of tourism in the coastal part of Montenegro, which includes the basic features of current changes, problems related to increasing tourist flows, increasing pressure on beaches and transport and communal infrastructure. The third part includes assessing the current state of the carrying capacity of the Montenegrin coastal area, pointing out changes in world tourism affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and provides general recommendations for future tourism development in accordance with new circumstances for the Montenegrin coast as a whole and by individual municipalities with special reference to the cruising regime in the Bay of Kotor.