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Title (croatian)
Institut za turizam : godišnje izvješće 2021
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
U dokumentu su revidirani podaci vezani uz analizu stanja turizma, tržišnih trendova i obilježja turističkih proizvoda. Sukladno novoj analizi situacije izrađeni su SWOT analiza, vizija i ciljevi razvoja turizma. Također je revidirana koncepcija razvoja turizma. Shodno novim okolostima i realizaciji prethodno definiranih aktivnosti definirane su nove operativne razvojne strategije i mjere, te terminski plan potreban za njihovu realizaciju.
Description (english)
First, the situation analysis data including trends in tourism has been updated in the document. In accordance with the new analysisof the situation and trends, SWOT analysis, visions and goals of tourism development were made. The concept of tourism development has also been revised. In accordance with the new sircumstances and the implementation of previusly defined activities, new operational develepoment straties have been defined, as well as the time plan reguired for their implementation.