Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Projekt je obuhvatio detaljnu analiu stanja turističke ponude i potražnje, turističkih resursa i atrakcija i potencijala razvoja. Uz viziju razvoja turizma izrađena je prostorno-programska koncepcija razvoja, Poseban naglasak je na idejnom rješenju nove obilaznice i spojnih cesta te poziciju parkirališta. Ovaj dio studije važan je zbog organizacije posjeta i upravljanje posjetiteljima tijekom boravka u destinaciji. Dalje, obrađeni su turistički proizvodi i komunikacijske aktivnosti. Projekt završava opisom projekta i aktivnosti koje je potrebno realizirati za ostvarenje ciljeva razvoja turizma u Krašiću.
Description (english)
The project included a detailed analysis of tourism supply and demand, tourism resources and attractions and development potential. Along with the vision of tourism development, the spatial-program concept of development was developed. Special emphasis is given to the conceptual solution of the new roads and parking position. This part of the study is important because of the organization of visits and the management of visitors during their stay in the destination. Furthermore, tourism products and communication activities were described. The project ends with a description of the project and activities that need to be realized in order to achieve the goals of tourism development in Krašić.