Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Na temelju nalaza status quo analize, analize konkurentnosti i SWOT analize, dokument definira dugoročnu viziju razvoja i strateške ciljeve društveno - ekonomskog razvoja općine Punat . Na temelju toga , nadalje, dokument predlaže prostorno zoniranje kao podlogu za formiranje karakterističnih razvojnih klastera. Za svaki od karakterističnih klastera definiraju se osnove tržišnog pozicioniranja. Konačno ,dokument predlaže cijeli niz konkretnih razvojnih projekata u nadležnosti dionika javnog i privatnog sektora čija bi realizacija u praksi trebala rezultirati ostvarivanjem razvojne vizije.
Description (english)
Based on the findings of the status quo analysis, competitivenes analysis, and the SWOT analysis, the document defines the long-term development vision and strategic objectives of the socio-economic development of the Punat municipality. On this basis, further, the document proposes spatial zoningand the formation of characteristic clusters. For each of the characteristic cluster the basics of market positioning is proposed. Finally, the document proposes a whole series of specific development projects in the competence of stakeholders of bot,h public and private sector, that should lead to the realization of the vision.