Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Ovaj je projekt provođen poštujući načela participativnog planiranja te temeljem detaljno razrađenog plana istraživanja. Analiza postojeće situacije uključivala je analizu dionika, relevantne planske i programske dokumente, osobito prostorne planove, grada Petrinje i županije, detaljnu analizu atrakcijske osnove zasnovanu na Kušenovom Sustavu turističkih atrakcija, socio-demografsku i ekonomsku analizu, analizu potražnje te analizu konkurenata. Tijekom rada na projektu održane su dvije... More poludnevne radionice, više od 20 dubinskih razgovora, tri kruga obilaska terena te brojni sastanci s predstavnicima turističke zajednice i gradske uprave. Na temelju rezultata ovih aktivnosti te u konzultaciji s dionicima definirane su vizija, misija i strateški ciljevi, prostorni i programski koncept turističkog razvoja te koncept marketinga. Less
Description (english)
This project was conducted by following the principles of participatory planning and a thorough background research. The situational analysis included analysis of stakeholders, the relevant social, economic and spatial plans of the city and county, a thorough analysis of the attractions available based on the Kušen System of tourism attraction, socio-demographic and economic analysis and demand and competitor analyses. During the project two half-day workshops were conducted with the... More stakeholders, more than 20 in-depth interviews, three rounds of field surveys and numerous contact with the tourism board and municipality representatives. Based on that, the vision, mission and strategic aims were defined in consultation with stakeholders, a concept of tourism development proposed including its spatial and product dimension, followed by the marketing concept. Less