Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Novi pristup turističkim događanjima zasniva se na portfelju s ujednačenim omjerom događanja kulturnog i sportskog sadržaja, jasnoj poveznici događanja s planom razvoja turizma destinacije, boljoj promociji turističke ponude putem događanja, događanjima koja su usmjerena na sudionike – dakle one koji sudjeluju u događanjima, radije nego na događanja s gledateljima, te ona koja se odvijaju u pred i posezoni. Planom je predviđeno da TZ SDŽ preuzme ulogu koordinatora koji će umrežavati dionike, podizati razinu znanja o logici turizma događanja i razvijati potrebne vještine u sustavu turističkih zajednica, JLU i organizatora događanja. Redefiniranim portfeljom uključujući tematsko I vremensko harmoniziranje događanja, redefiniranim programom potpore i sustavnom, kvalitetnom evaluacijom on postavlja okvir koji bi trebale slijediti lokalne turističke zajednica. U konačnici, TZ SDŽ će kroz sustavni pristup portfelju, biti u boljoj mogućnosti promovirati županiju kroz događanja i poticati organizatore da kroz događanja promoviraju županiji odnosno odgovarajuće turističke proizvode.
Description (english)
The new approach to tourism events is based on a portfolio with a balanced ratio of cultural and sports events, a clear link between events and the destination tourism development plan, better promotion of the tourism products through events. It is focused on participant based events , rather than spectator base events, and those that take place in the pre and post-season. The plan envisages that the Tourist Board of SDŽ will take on the role of coordinator who will network stakeholders, raise the level of knowledge about the logic of event tourism and develop the necessary skills in the system of tourist boards, local governments and event organizers. With a redefined portfolio including thematic and time harmonization of events, a redefined support program and a systematic, quality evaluation, it sets the framework that local tourist boards should follow. Ultimately, through a systematic approach to the portfolio, the SDŽ Tourist Board will be in a better position to promote the county through events and encourage organizers to promote the county and appropriate tourist products through events.