Na temelju dubinske analize dokumenta Studija turističkog nosivog kapaciteta grada Splita provedene su strateške radionice s više skupina dionika u dva kruga. U prvom krugu definirani su standardi za pojedine pokazatelje nosivosti. Nakon izrade prijedloga akcijskog plana upravljanja turističkim nosivim kapacitom je u drugom krugu radionica usuglašena konačna verzija akcijskog plana.
Opis (engleski)
In-depth analysis of the document Study of the tourist carrying capacity of the City of Split was basis for two rounds of strategic workshops with several groups of stakeholders. In the first round, standards are defined for individual indicators of carrying capacity. After the development of the proposal of the action plan for the management of tourist carrying capacity, the final version of the action plan was agreed upon in the second round of workshops.